Revenue and compliance protection for pharma contract operations

A comprehensive solution to minimize revenue leakage. Proactively identify risks, issues, and anomalies in your contracting systems.

“U.S. managed markets are becoming increasingly complex so it’s important for leaders to know their pricing and contracting systems are operating efficiently and without loss.”

Brenton Keyes

Brenton Keyes

Founding Principal, Better Rev

Best-in-class tools and technology

We leverage the latest tools and technology to help you achieve operational excellence. Whether it involves using basic SQL or advanced statistical methods, we’re always exploring new ways to drive success for our clients.

Become a data-driven business unit today

There is more than enough data in your systems to make well-informed decisions. Sometimes you just need a little support with implementation. We’re here to help.

Issue & Risk Detection

We scan your entire system to identify potential issues with your data, across pricing, eligibility, contracts, and reimbursements.

Anomaly and Trend Analysis

We used advanced statistics to detect anomalies and spot trends so that you can respond quickly to shifting business scenarios.

What and how we protect

There are six main areas we focus on protecting.

Products and Customers

Ensure your products and customers are active and without errors.

Product Pricing

Get notified if list or contract prices were not fully updated or activated.

Customer Eligibility

Quickly identify issues with membership, contract eligibility, or plan data.


We check contract, price group, and program configurations for errors and alert you if something is wrong.

Chargebacks and Rebates

Keep a close eye on changes in utilization and rebate amounts across different PBMs and markets.

Interfaces and Jobs

Interuptions in interfaces and scheduled jobs means data may not be flowing or updating as needed.

Real-time internal auditing to keep your team on track.

Audits often bring up negative thoughts about pointing blame or wasting time. Our approach to auditing is to identify problems that would result in lost revenue and to provide guidance on getting them fixed immediately.

© 2024 · Better Rev, LLC